Administrative Document:
Administrative Structure, Al- Mawrid UK
In this document specifications and administrative processes related to Friends, Members, Trustees and Office Bearers of Al-Mawrid UK are described.
Responsibilities of Director
Responsibilities of Finance Secretary
Rules of engagement
These apply to all Friends and Members
Code of Conduct
Disciplinary regulations
Termination of Membership or trusteeship
In this document specifications and administrative processes related to Friends, Members, Trustees and Office Bearers of Al-Mawrid UK are described.
- Any person who is interested in Al-Mawrid UK activities can become a Friend of the chapter.
- To become a Friend the person needs to apply by filling the Friend’s form on the Al-Mawrid UK web site.
- Need to be law abiding citizens , furthermore need to abide by the code of conduct of the organization.
- Applications for becoming a Friend are by default accepted unless any of the Trustees have an objection, in which case it will be conditioned on Majority Vote. The whole process will be coordinated by the Director.
- Are not expected to accept any responsibilities or to have any financial commitments, although if they desire they can be volunteer for either or both.
- Do not have any voting rights.
- Will be kept updated about the activities and future plans unless they unsubscribe themselves from this.
- To become a Member the person needs to apply by filling the Member’s form on the Al-Mawrid UK web site.
- Need to be law abiding citizens, furthermore need to abide by the code of conduct of the organization and be vetted by the trustees.
- Will need to pay monthly membership fee, minimum of £10 per month.
- Will be kept informed about organizational matters
- Undertake or delegate administrative responsibilities.
- Are elected from General Body by voting for a period of 2 years.
- Will be responsible for drafting organizational policies and selecting activities for the organization.
- The number of trustees may change according to organizational needs. Minimum number of trustees will remain three,
- Trustees will meet as flexibly and frequently as needed, however a minimum of three meetings a year will be mandatory.
Responsibilities of Director
- Will represent or nominate someone to represent Organization in public and media.
- Will be responsible to communicate or nominate someone to communicate with external agencies.
- Responsible for recording or delegating to record the minutes of all the meetings.
- Organising or delegating someone to organize the agenda for all meetings.
- Responsible for keeping record (in person or by delegating) of all essential and important internal communications between trustees and members.
- Will keep data base (in person or by delegating) of all essential information about organization like constitution, administrative document, membership record and data base of all members and affiliates.
- Will chair organizational meetings. Director has a casting vote.
- Will form an administrative team. The number for this team will be at his discretion. He may constitute the Admin team from amongst the Trustees, members or Friends
- Will provide reports to both Scottish Charity Registrar and the AMG.
Responsibilities of Finance Secretary
- Will maintain a comprehensive record of the finances of the organization.
- Will produce an annual report at the AGM that could be seen by all members.
- His signatures will authorize cheques from the bank.
- Will be responsible for payments and cash flow.
- Will keep a comprehensive record of all receipts and expenses of organization.
- Will contribute in preparing report for the Scottish Charity Registrar and the AMG.
Rules of engagement
These apply to all Friends and Members
- Will abide by the law and regulations of the country of residence.
- Will not bring the organization into disrepute
- Will not create disharmony among other members.
- It is recommended that all members adopt proper Islamic attitude (as the first and strongest tool for spreading the message of Islam). As part of this, they should be keen and (within the limits of their own capacities) active in improving and developing their knowledge of Islam.
- It is expected that as a general rule the members of the organization will be UK residents. Under exceptional circumstances non UK residents may also become members.
Code of Conduct
- All members and Friends, being representatives or associates of the organization, are expected to show cordial attitude and exemplary mannerism at all times; particularly during educational and organizational meetings and when interacting with affiliates and general public.
- The ethos of our organization entails humility, sacrifice, patience, steadfastness and wisdom.
- All major policy issues and activities will be discussed and debated and approved after majority voting involving trustees. This may take place on e-mail or in more serious matters a face to face meeting.
- In the event of e-mail discussion the Director will specify a designated time by which time a trustee has to voice an opinion.
- The organizational meetings will be chaired by a chair person, ideally this should be the Director, and in his absence he will nominate a chair person. If the Director did not nominate a chair person, then a chair person will be appointed by the attendees of the meeting by the majority vote. Chair person will have the casting vote if votes are equal.
- During organizational meetings the chair person has a right to stop a discussion when he/she feels the point has been discussed sufficiently or needs further deliberation later. In the former case he/she will suggest voting to take place. The chair person will ask everyone in sequence to give their views and trustees need to wait for their turn to voice their opinion.
- Constitutional amendments will need two third majority approval from the members present at a general meeting of the organization.
- No constitutional amendment or important policy decision can be undertaken without completion of a Quorum at the general meeting. Minimum of one third of the total members have to be present to constitute a Quorum.
- If any individual feels aggrieved either by a person associated with organization, or feels that the organization has undertaken a decision which is incorrect or its mannerism is objectionable, then he/she needs to make personal contact with the Director of the organization
- The Director, will initially try to resolve the issue him/herself.
- If the Director feels that either he/she is not able to resolve the issue or it is a serious matter, he/she will appoint a team of 2-3 people from among the trustees or any well wisher who may be of help, to undertake an in depth investigation of the complaint and then arranges a meeting between the person who has made the complaint and the investigating team to try to resolve the issue.
- If the issue involves a member or a Friend whose close relative is a trustee then that trustee cannot be part of the investigation team. A new investigating team will be formed which will have trust of all parties involved in the dispute.
- In the event the Director and the investigating team of trustees are not able to resolve the matter or the issue is of a serious nature, the matter would be put in front of the Trustees.
- If the grievance is against the Director then the same process as above will be orchestrated by a member of trustee who is trusted by the person who complains.
- If none of the above resolved the issue then the matter will be dealt with by the AMG. The Director or the trustee who orchestrated the process will bring the matter to the AMG’s attention.
Disciplinary regulations
- In the event that a member of the organization brings the organization into disrepute by his or her conduct or actions or a member accuses a fellow member of such a conduct, the matter will be dealt with, in accordance with these regulations.
- The Director will chair a special meeting of trustees to deal with this issue. Should the accusations be substantiated, the trustees will need to decide what action to take; this action may be one of the following:
- Apology
- Official warning
- Removal from office in case of office bearers.
- Termination of Friendship, membership or trusteeship.
- All the above will be dealt with in a manner that remain in line with the regulations that are specified in the Al-Mawrid UK constitution.
- A member or a trustee can submit resignation from the organization by writing formally to the Director citing his/her reasons for leaving.
Termination of Membership or trusteeship
- In exceptional circumstances the membership or trusteeship of an individual can be terminated. This decision will be taken by majority voting of trustees.
- The member is removed from membership by a resolution of The Trustees, stating that it is in the best interests of the organization. A resolution to this effect may only be passed if: ( see clause 9 under members for details in constituition)
- The member has been given at least twenty-one days' notice in writing of the meeting of the Trustees at which the resolution will be proposed and its reasons.
- The member or, at the option of the member, the member's representative (who need not be a member of the Charity) has been allowed to make a representation to the meeting.